

Departure form Marina di Portorosa towards Vulcano only 15 miles away from the coast. You visit the Grotta del Cavallo, so called because a boulder on the extremity of the cave looks like a horse’s head. Inside there are tunnels, lakes, stalactites and stalagmites, as well as some very particular dome-shaped “vaults”, born from the effect of sulphurous waters and vapours. Close to the Grotta del Cavallo, the Piscina di Venere is another must-see attraction. Also known as Bagno delle Vergini, with its pools of tuff and basalt, it has shallow crystalline waters azure-blue with turquoise nuances. Lovers of excursions can climb the volcanic crater of Fossa in about one hour, following a path that from the harbour leads 400 meters above sea levels. The path you have to cross offers spectacular views on the archipelago and the show given by the peak will be worth all the effort that the climb requires.

2 • Lipari

n the morning you visit Vulcanello, the small appendix-peninsula of Vulcano island famous for the Valle dei Mostri, a suggestive place populated by crazy creatures of lava that, cooling down because of the several eruptions, gave birth to rocks of odd shape reminiscent of monstrous figures.
Later you reach Lipari, the biggest of “seven sisters” of Aeolian islands. Thinking of Lipari it is impossibile no to think to Faraglioni: two giant stones surfacing from the sea in the south zone of the island near the strait that separates Lipari from Vulcano. The biggest village of Lipari, that is also the main mooring of the island, bears the name of the island. It is surmounted by the castle and right under the castle there are the walls and the districts of Marina Corta and Marina Lunga. As in other Aeolian islands also in Lipari you can taste particular and delicious desserts. Lovers of nightlife on summer evenings can participate to concerts, folk festivals and theatre festivals, they can drink in the amazing outdoors bars or they can have fun in the discos from suggestive locations.

3 • Panarea

Just 9 miles away from Lipari you head Panarea, capital of vice and worldly pleasures. You sail to one of the most suggestive beaches of Sicily: Cala Junco.
This beach, a UNESCO World heritage site, has the shape of an amphitheatre, surrounded by rock formations. These rocks, with seabeds and sun’s rays, give to the sea wonderful tones. The colour of the water changes from deep blue to emerald green. Panarea is the smallest Aeolian island but because of its charme and beauty, it is unique. You can go for lovely strolls between hibiscus, caper plants and bouganville, with a view on the wonderful small islands surrounding it: Basiluzzo, Dattilo, Bottaro, Lisca bianca, Lisca nera, Formiche, Panarelli and from afar Stromboli. After spending a good day dedicated to the most beautiful italian sea you can taste an aperitif on the terraces of Hotel Raya and you can spend the whole night

4 • Stromboli

Today you sail towards Stromboli, 12 miles away from Panarea. The island, awash in unique colours and odor, is characterised by high cliffs, small clack sandy beaches, coves and caves, white mediterranean houses, the green palm trees, the olive trees and the citrus fruit on an harsh but fascinating volcanic cone. The black giant, “Iddu”, in perpetual activity, each 15 minutes gives incandescent eruptions of lava which seems to rip the sky especially after sunset. This island offers alternative programs for the evening. You can join groups of people with expert guides who lead you up to the craters to appreciate the spectacular landscape after the sunset or you can reach the basin of the Sciara del Fuoco where you can enjoy the explosive show from the sea.


Departure to Salina to stop in the beautiful bay of Pollara for a wonderful swim and a good lunch. The beach of large stones between the rocks is intimate and unique and it is also the location where some scenes of the movie “Il Postino” were filmed. Near the beach of Pollara there are the Balate, one of the destination you can’t miss. Going down from the steps of tufo to reach the Balate, on the right, you can see the home of Massimo Troisi. The shallows of Punta Perciato are very beautiful to see for its enchanting natural background. Punta Perciato is composed of some big rocks from the morphology and from the walls extremely indented. After this brief stop, now you head Filicudi. Here the sea, wild, clear and uncontaminated, is rich in inlets and bays with small beaches that can be reached by boat, by canoe and by swimming and it gives unique natural beauties for their charm and majesty. These are the impressive rock formations of volcanic origin standing out from the sea like cliff. Among them La Canna has a particular charm. This “magic island”, as it is called, can easily be seen on foot. The visit of the small harbour of Pecorini Mare is a must. Here you can taste a seafood dinner made of traditional and particularly cared dishes at the restaurant by the sea.


You end the experience on Filicudi island visiting the Grotta del Bue Marino, a wonderful and suggestive cave about 30 meters wide. It is known for light effects created inside and for the noise of the sea that seems to imitate the bellow of a beef. Coming back to Portorosa you head again Salina .
Santa Marina is the main mooring of the island. This main town stands on the slopes of the “Fossa delle Felci”, where it is visible a huge crater covered with a shrubby vegetations of tree ferns. From Santa Marina you reach the nearby village of Lingua, with the brackish lake from which in the past they got the salt. That is the reason why the island is so named today. Salina is the island that has been able to safeguard its rural soul more than the others and to keep its uniqueness, the genuinely and authenticity of its traditional economy based on the culture of caper and the production of the famous wine Malvasia.
Now there is time for one more dive before the reentry: the beach of Valle Muria along the west coast of Lipari can not be missed. It is a beach of a great natural beauty and of elongated shape. It is closed by two rocky headlands and in front of, it offers the suggestive view of Vulcano and the rocks of Pietra Lunga and Pietra Menalda.